Sculpfun s9 lightburn setup
Sculpfun s9 lightburn setup

Can't find any info on the net about this so looks like I'm on my own with this one. I have some lying around so it's a matter of figuring if they can be connected to the Sculpfun controller.

sculpfun s9 lightburn setup

One other mod I need to do real soon is add limit switches to the bed - it doesn't come with them fitted. Another reason to get rid of it if possible. This red protective cover is fine for protecting you from stray laser light but smoke is otherwise going to collect inside because there's only a couple of millimeters gap between the end of it and the workpiece. There are 3 holes around the lens which I assume are air outlets from the cooling fan - possibly an attempt to provide rudimentary air assist in itself, or at least an aid to clearing smoke out the way. Focus length is 20mm from the bottom of the metal module housing. The business end of the module (photo) isn't really what I expected to see! There is no discrete lens housing just a conical cap, so the air assist nozzle will have to clamp using the existing screws holding the red plastic protective cover (which I'll remove). However before that I'll need to make a new air-assist adapter for the module - probably by machining a brass nozzle of some sort to fit over the fixed focus lens (something that was a bit difficult for my Neje adjustable focus module because it needed to rotate). I'll assemble it later today and test the claims made for it's alleged better cutting ability and finer resolution engraving. Just taken delivery of this Sculpfun S9 machine.

Sculpfun s9 lightburn setup